
La 20 de ani se merge pe principiile :
- Ce pula mea era in rachiul ala?
- Ce caut eu in viata mea?
- Teoria foarte putin probabilului
- Impinge'ma'n autobuz si te calc pe cap
- Nu mai beau niciodata
- Cand dracu' am trimis mesajul asta?
- Ce'am facut aseara?
- "O bere?" "Nu, ca's cu masina." "Un joint?" "Ok"
- Ce'ai coaie? Te'ai tras?
- Omor o baba, ii fur pensia si ma'mbat
- Iar te'o batut barbatu'tau?
- N'am, frate.
- O Cola la 2 jumate
- Mi'e foame, hai la Mc

The End.

Judecati in sosete flausate

O cana mare de cafea cu suficient zahar incat sa bag tot blocul in hiperglicemie, pijamale, sosete rosii de plus. Imi acord toata atentia mie, ma rasfat singura pentru ca asa face o lady (vezi cartea aia cu A lady always..a lady never).
Imi prind parul intr'un mot agresiv in varful capului si nimic nu mai conteaza. Energie inexplicabila, manifestata indoors without making an effort. Vorbesc cu loverul si mai mult, jucam World of Goo in retea.
Asa am sa ma bucur eu de martie pana se topeste zapada..if I can't have sunny, then I procrastinate. No regrets!

cold days, warm feelings

Don't you just hate it when everything is going perfectly and suddenly something has to happen and ruins all of it? Well, maybe not all of it, but the part you feel comfortable with..
I like us eating breakfast together, not texting you 'Good morning'.
I like seeing you drink milk out of my fridge, not hearing you light a cigarette while talking on the phone.
Here's the point where I stop complaining, because I know that it doesn't really matter if I think of you or actually see your face, you are always there.

I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart.