Ce-am mai facut este nimic

Se pare ca n-am mai reusit sa iscalesc nimic pe aici. Puterea creatoare a cerebelului meu a luat-o pe cai incalcite. Si pentru a-mi reveni si continua sa fiu o lectura placuta si amuzanta sau dezagreabila si pestilentiala cititorilor meu imaginari, am gasit cateva quotes care ar putea, carevasazica, sa ma indrume inapoi spre postarile mele minunate si pline de nonsens.

"I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark." Henry David Thoreau

"Know something, sugar? Stories only happen to people who can tell them." Allan Gurganus

"I don't like to write, but I love to have written." Michael Kanin

"You can be a little ungrammatical if you come from the right part of the country." Robert Frost

"Nothing you write, if you hope to be any good, will ever come out as you first hoped." Lillian Helman

"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." Elmore Leonard

"Write in recollection and amazement for yourself." Jack Kerouac

"Caress the detail, the divine detail." Vladimir Nabokov

"Stick to the point." W. Somerset Maugham

"When genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot." D.H. Lawrence

"Suspect all your favorite sentences." Kenneth Atchity

"Writing is a sweet, wonderful reward…" Franz Kafka

"…writing comes more easily if you have something to say." Sholem Asch