Obraji ţiuitori - casăvezi

Seara, când vorbesc la telefon, îmi ţiuie urechile.
Ziua, când ascult muzică, îmi ţiuie urechile.
Noaptea, când sar şi înnebunesc, îmi ţiuie urechile.

Mesaj recepţionat.

Pulsaţie hipersensibil
ă la tot ce-mi place. Mă plictisesc, e linişte şi mi se înfundă urechile.

Am înţeles.

Dorm bine şi scriu pe o hârtie planul de mâine. Spălat, mâncat şi ascultat tot ce vor urechile să-mi spună. Dar cu ce să le ascult, doamne? Obraji proşti şi inutili. Răsfăţaţi, pupaţi, muşcaţi şi niciodată în stare să asculte ţiuitul cu mesaj.

Astrology can be fun

Q: How many Arians does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Just the one. You want to make something of it, eh?

Q: How many Taureans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None: Taureans dont like to change anything.

Q: How many Geminis does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Two (of course) but it will take all week and when theyre done the light bulb will do your homework, speak French and shine any colour you want from it.

Q: How many Cancerians does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Just one, and theyll use a non-disposable diaper too!

Q: How many Leos does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None: A Leo would order somebody else to change it.

Q: How many Virgos does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Approximately 1.000000 with an error of +/- 1 millionth.

Q: How many Librans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Why change the bulb? Isnt it more romantic in the dark?

Q: How many Scorpios does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None - theyd rather sit in the dark.

Q: How many Sagittarians does it take to change a lightbulb? A: The sun is shining, the day is young, weve got our whole lives ahead of us, and youre inside worrying about a stupid burned out light bulb?

Q: How many Capricorns does it take to change a lightbulb? A: I dont waste my time with these childish jokes.

Q: How many Aquarians does it take to change a lightbulb? A: A hundred, but theyll all be competing to be the one to change the bulb and bring light to the world.

Q: How many Pisceans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Lightbulb? What lightbulb?

funny zodiac signs key phrase

Aries' key phrase: I Am!

Taurus' key phrase: I have!

Gemini's key phrase: I think!

Cancer's key phrase: I Feel!

Leo's key phrase: I Will!

Virgo's key phrase: I Analyze!

Libra's key phrase: I Balance!

Scorpio's key phrase: I Desire!

Sagittarius' keyphrase: I See!

Capricorn's key phrase: I Use!

Aquarius' key phrase: I Know!

Pisces' key phrase: I Believe!

funny zodiac signs insomnia causes

Aries considers sleep too easy and makes a dare with themselves to stay up all night.

Taurus forgot to pick up their silk sheets at the dry cleaner.

Gemini's twin just isn't tired.

Cancer worries how everyone else is sleeping.

Leo is afraid to move around at all, fearful of what bedhead can do to their lovely mane.

Virgo keeps getting up to re-tuck the sheets and fluff the pillows.

Libra can't quite decide what to wear tomorrow.

Scorpio is doing something else entirely.

Sagittarius can't stop thinking of all the better things they could be doing other than sleeping.

Capricorn already took a strategically planned power nap.

Aquarius suffers from a chat room addiction that keeps them up until all hours.

Pisces has fitful dreams of past lives.